Season Eight — Podcast — Merritt Onsa | Christian Life Coach for Women

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Season Eight

198 || How You Respond to Rejection Matters More Than Your Success || Heather Thompson Day

Although she is the author of seven published books, Dr. Heather Thompson Day has faced rejection after rejection in her dream of becoming a best-selling author. Her newest book It’s Not Your Turn is the story of how God has used repeated rejections to shape her character over the years and to help her realize that who she is when she’s not in the spotlight is far more important than who she will be when she is.

197 || How to Know When God Is Speaking to Your Heart || Heather Oncken

A kind gesture by a friend inspired Heather Oncken’s dream to encourage people to be more intentional in their friendships. She knew she was supposed to do something with this inspiration. She just didn’t know what. As she prayed for clarity, God prompted her to be faithful to the needs He placed in front of her. Today she shares the hope that in all our relationships we have an opportunity to change someone’s day, someone’s week, and even someone’s life through our small, intentional gestures of love.

196 || God Meets You in the Most Unexpected Moments of Pursuing a Dream || Kat Harris

Kat Harris’s vision for women to know their beauty, identity, and value was born out of years spent asking difficult questions of God, herself, her community, and strangers on the subway. Her dream was never to write a book on sex and dating as a single Christian woman. In fact, doing so has revealed all her insecurities. But walking forward in it despite the challenges has grown her confidence in a God who gives us space to question and explore our dreams.

195 || [Solo] 3 Commitments to Make Before Spending Money to Pursue Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

Are you ready for big things to happen with your dream? Maybe you’re weighing the pros and cons of hiring a coach, or you want to invest in a course for the support and accountability that will push you out of your comfort zone, or that training program to fill in your knowledge gaps. All of these are great options but only once you have considered the three commitments that need to come first, before you invest any money in your dream.

194 || How to Glean the Best Path Forward from the Mentors in Your Life || Kelsey Chapman

Kelsey Chapman is an author, podcaster, and personal cheerleader to women building their dream life and business. She loves teaching other women how to find mentors because mentorship has had such a positive impact on her life and business. Her mentors paved the way and shared their experiences, so she didn’t have to learn all the hard lessons herself. Those relationships are what pushed Kelsey to rise up and continue making her dream a reality, even through the difficulties.

193 || Do You Believe God Will Do Great Things Through Your Dream? || Blythe Daniel

What’s your relationship like with your mom? Blythe Daniel and her mom wrote a book together to support restoration and healing in mother/daughter relationships. Theirs is one of the many resources Blythe has shepherded onto bookshelves around the world in fulfilling her mission as a literary evangelist. Part of pursuing this dream for Blythe has been remembering God’s faithfulness and His limitless nature; her story reminds us that this is true for His role in our dreams as well.

192 || Feeling Too Broken to Dream? Embrace Your Story & Trust God's Plan || Yolanda King

Do wounds from your past threaten your confidence or progress toward your God-shaped dream? Do you have trouble believing that God sees you and knows your needs? Yolanda King shares her story of childhood abuse and neglect that could have kept her stuck in fear and seeking approval from others. But God had a different plan. Today she’s helping other women overcome obstacles and trauma to create a life and career they love.

191 || Are You Tired of Feeling Like Your Work Doesn't Matter? || Michaela O’Donnell

What does it look like to pursue meaningful work in a changing world? Michaela O’Donnell helps people do just that through her programs, writing, and teaching on issues of vocation, work, and leadership. In this episode we talk about recalibrating expectations regarding the pace of change, what to do when your dreams don’t happen right away, and how to look for breadcrumbs of God's providence along the way.

190 || [Solo] A Beginner's Guide for How to be a Great Podcast Guest || Merritt Onsa

Have you ever considered being a podcast guest? You’re probably not surprised to hear that there are 1.75 million podcasts in the world (according to Podcast Insights) and that number is growing daily! This episode will teach you how to pitch yourself, the techy details you need to know, and how to prepare to be the best podcast guest you can be so you can share your dream with a wider audience.

189 || Making a Daily Decision to Surrender Your Dreams to God || Shelley Tyson

Shelley Tyson is passionate about seeing women fall in love with Jesus, live lives of wild abandon for Him, and pursue building homes and businesses that reflect Him for generations to come. She is a homeschool mom of four, wife to Bryan, and resides in Atlanta, GA, where she enjoys long talks with her husband, a strong cup of coffee, and playing the piano in her free time. She runs a skincare business and recently launched an online membership community.

188 || Mama, You Have Permission to Pursue Your Dreams || Amanda Bennett

Motherhood can be all-consuming, especially if you’re in that stage of caring for small children. Amanda Bennett of the Gotcha Mama Podcast shares about her difficult transition as a first-time mom and how that experience motivated her dream of supporting new moms who may be struggling alone like she was. Her message is one of grace and freedom in Christ as well as resisting the temptation to make everything perfect before you begin to pursue your dream.

187 || Are You Suffering? How to Trust God Even in Your Pain || Ashley Opliger

**Trigger Warning** When you are hurting, it can be difficult to believe that God would use your pain for good. In early 2014, Ashley Opliger was struggling with her faith, worrying about her unborn child, and wondering why she was not seeing answers to her constant prayers. Ultimately, her baby girl, Bridget, was stillborn at 24 weeks gestation.

186 || [Solo] 3 Strategies to Help You Shift from Busy to Purposeful || Merritt Onsa

Did 2020 reveal some hard truths about your life? Did slowing down (because you had to) reveal the true cost of busyness in your life? Or on your family? This solo episode is about the change you can affect when you shift from busy to purposeful in how you live and how you pursue your dreams. These three simple shifts in your thoughts and actions will simplify day-to-day life and make a real difference in how you feel about your responsibilities.

185 || Don't Shrink Back from God's Dream for Your Life || Stephanie Hodges

Stephanie Hodges wishes she hadn’t waited so long to boldly share her message of holistic health—body and soul, not just spirit—as a godly pursuit. Her book, The Daniel Fast Journey, is about the transformative experience of fasting for spiritual and physical health. This episode not only offers a primer for those who have been curious about fasting but also shares Stephanie’s journey of not shrinking back from the dream God had placed on her heart for His people.

184 || God is Good Even When You Don't Understand His Ways || Ellie Sanazaro

God’s plans are often different from our plans. This was true for Ellie Sanazaro when her world was forever changed after her daughter was born without the chromosomal disorder doctors had told her to expect. God used this event to change Ellie's heart and lead her down the path of adopting a baby with Down syndrome. Ellie is now passionate about spreading the message that EVERY child is an Image Bearer.

183 || Why You Need to Give Yourself Permission to Fail || Hannah Brencher

Failure is where we grow and learn; it shapes our future decisions and is a reminder of the choices we want to make differently next time. Few people wish to experience failure but attempting to avoid it means missing out on essential opportunities for growth that only come from taking risks, getting it wrong, and picking yourself up to learn and try anew. This week, Hannah Brencher shares a message of hope-filled reminders to keep seeking light in the darkest places of our lives, even amid failure.

182 || [Solo] Staying True to the Woman God Made You to Be || Merritt Onsa

Even if you have a good understanding of your security in Christ, there are plenty of things in the world vying for your attention and affection. In this solo episode I share the four identity mistakes we make as we pursue a God-shaped dream and how to turn them around for your good and God’s glory. You’ll learn how to counteract comparison, how to properly value your gifts and then how to use your gifts to live out God’s purpose for your life.

181 || Healing and Hope Breakthrough After an Abusive Relationship || Chystal Gaunt

Out of the darkness in her own past, Chystal Gaunt began sharing her story of domestic abuse and launched a nonprofit organization to love and serve women who have experienced the same. Her story is one of God providing for her dream repeatedly as she continues to follow His lead. Even though she went through a season of overwhelm and burnout, God provided a new vision and paved the way for each baby step along the way.

180 || [Solo] Planning Your Dream While Doing Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

If you have allowed your need to plan keep you from taking steps toward your dream, this episode offers a bit of perspective on how to get started right now, even if you don’t have it all figured out. Because God designed you with a purpose that is certain and known to him, you don’t need to have it all planned out before you begin. He already knows! So take the leap and try new things, even if it means opening yourself up to mistakes, and then, take time to reflect and innovate.

179 || A New Way of Understanding Forgiveness That Will Set You Free || Toni Hebel

You often hear about dreams that were birthed out of someone’s deepest struggles, and Toni Hebel’s God-shaped dream is no different. Hers is a story of significant hurt and yet God has used it for good. He has called Toni and her husband, Bruce, into ministry teaching people how and why we must forgive even the deepest wounds all because of the blood that was already paid on the cross through Jesus Christ.