
247 || How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Give You Capacity to Get Your Dream Moving || Robin Rhine McDonald

What can you do when you lack the energy and vitality to pursue your God-shaped dream? Oftentimes we find ourselves with to-do lists that far outweigh the hours we have in a day to complete those tasks. And somewhere in the mix, you realize you’ve lost sight of your health and how that impacts everything you do, including running after a God-shaped dream. But where do you start and how do you make healthy living sustainable?

230 || [Solo] How Messy Action Gives You Permission to Get Started on Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

When you’re first getting started on a dream, it is hard to imagine achieving the success you’ve see in others. How do you get past the novice stage full of mixed-up ideas spinning around in your head? How do you get over fear-induced procrastination? How do you get to the finish line? It’s by taking the next step, which is often messy and imperfect. And yet, when you begin to walk in your purpose, you will be amazed with what God does through your small steps of faithfulness.

225 || [Solo] The Reassuring Truth about How to Grow Confidence Right Now || Merritt Onsa

How’s your confidence? When I asked this question on Instagram, 100% of those who responded answered, “I’m working on it.” But what does it look like to “work on” your confidence? Maybe it’s a little bit like saying, “I’m trying.” But “trying what?” is the next question. In this episode I’m teaching you how to avoid the common mistakes when it comes to confidence building and why it’s so important to set your mind on the truth as you do that.

224 || [Solo] How to Go After a Dream Even When You Don’t Feel Confident || Merritt Onsa

Which of these confidence myths are keeping you from stepping into your God-shaped dream?

“I have to know what I’m doing; I need to FEEL confident; I need to BE really good at {fill in the blank}.” Each of these may seem true on the surface, but they are all big, fat lies! Your dream is given to you by God for your good and for the good of His kingdom, and it’s an invitation to be part of God’s redemptive work in the world. How can you make sure this is the year you finally say no to self-sabotage?

215 || How to Fine Tune Your Finances So You Can Dream Without Hesitation || Katie Jones

Is your dream financially viable? What difference would it make if you weren’t worried about the expense involved? My guest today, Katie Jones, is a money coach with a passion to teach biblical financial principles so you can embrace the gifts God has given you, feel confident managing your money, and pursue your God-shaped dream without any hesitation.

195 || [Solo] 3 Commitments to Make Before Spending Money to Pursue Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

Are you ready for big things to happen with your dream? Maybe you’re weighing the pros and cons of hiring a coach, or you want to invest in a course for the support and accountability that will push you out of your comfort zone, or that training program to fill in your knowledge gaps. All of these are great options but only once you have considered the three commitments that need to come first, before you invest any money in your dream.

148 || How to Get Past Worry and Fear so You Can Love and Serve || Alexandra Kaval

Have you considered leaving what feels safe and comfortable to pursue a God-shaped dream? Maybe you fear what others might think if you were to risk so much for your dream or you question whether you could even be successful. Alexandra Kaval has faced those fears, and she has not only survived but thrived in pursuing a career built on what she learned in corporate environments to now serve Christian women in an authentic and meaningful way.

On-Air Coaching: Session III with Cynthia Culver & Lois Martin || Bonus Episode #3

This bonus episode is the final of three coaching sessions with listener Lois Martin talking to me and life coach Cynthia Culver. The focus of this call is the Development stage of coaching, in which Lois works through a plan that will produce results aligned with her new direction and mindset. As you listen, consider what actions have (or could) help you trigger the mindset of truth in you, instead of the broken mindset.

On-Air Coaching: Session II with Cynthia Culver & Lois Martin || Bonus Episode

This bonus episode is the second of three coaching sessions with listener Lois Martin talking to me and life coach Cynthia Culver. The focus is on the Direction -- where Lois is right now and how she might establish a new, clear direction for the future. As you listen, keep an ear toward your own story, passions, and the specific dream God has put on your heart for His Kingdom.

On-Air Coaching: Session I with Cynthia Culver & Lois Martin || Bonus Episode

This bonus episode is the first of three sessions you’ll hear with listener Lois Martin talking to me and life-coach Cynthia Culver. In these episodes, Cynthia walks us (via Lois) through the Discovery, Direction and Development phases of coaching. Lois’s goal? To get over what is holding her back from pursuing her God-shaped dream. As you hear Lois processing her experiences in these three conversations, listen with an ear toward your own story and whatever might be keeping you stuck and/or resisting what God has put on your heart to contribute to His Kingdom.