
247 || How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Give You Capacity to Get Your Dream Moving || Robin Rhine McDonald

What can you do when you lack the energy and vitality to pursue your God-shaped dream? Oftentimes we find ourselves with to-do lists that far outweigh the hours we have in a day to complete those tasks. And somewhere in the mix, you realize you’ve lost sight of your health and how that impacts everything you do, including running after a God-shaped dream. But where do you start and how do you make healthy living sustainable?

185 || Don't Shrink Back from God's Dream for Your Life || Stephanie Hodges

Stephanie Hodges wishes she hadn’t waited so long to boldly share her message of holistic health—body and soul, not just spirit—as a godly pursuit. Her book, The Daniel Fast Journey, is about the transformative experience of fasting for spiritual and physical health. This episode not only offers a primer for those who have been curious about fasting but also shares Stephanie’s journey of not shrinking back from the dream God had placed on her heart for His people.

112 || Because Fear Will Try to Steal Your Dream || Julie Watson

Author and coach Julie Watson reminds us that God calls us into places where we feel incompetent or are just too full of fear to move forward (think of Moses). But He meets us in our “gaps,” and He grows us when we say “yes” despite our objections to the challenges we face. Julie reveals the surprising truth about the training, education, or preparation needed to pursue your dream. Finally, she asks a poignant question that helps us think about what we really want for our life and our dream.

101 || Finding Your Dream Among Too Many Options || Jane Springer

In this episode, wellness and style coach Jane Springer reminds us that God often uses the difficulties He allows in our lives to serve as inspiration for our dreams. In Jane’s case, it was her own health struggles that inspired her to help other women with theirs. In hearing her story, you’ll discover the value of paying attention to your own instincts, trusting God’s timing and waiting on Him to show you what’s next instead of stepping out because you’ve grown impatient with the wait.

060 || Because There's Room For You Too || Laura Crawford

Laura Crawford is a new wife, a new mom, and a gluten-free chef, living in Colorado Springs. She’s the blogger and creator of Clean Chef, Messy Mom. When people ask her about that title, the answer is simple—it encompasses the fullness of what she aims for in her writing >> clean eating, even when life is messy.

She’s on a mission to inspire others to crave a healthy lifestyle—from food, to fitness, to marriage, to finances, to fun. Although she would claim that most of her culinary training came from her mother’s kitchen, she learned the art of technique, flavor, and tone, and how to use the science of cooking and baking to come up with the perfect recipe at Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.

Laura’s hope is that she can help other mamas embrace authenticity and find creative ways to stay healthy in all aspects of their lives even when self-care seems impossible.

Devoted Dreamers: 47 - Hope Mangiafico: Entrepreneur | Health Enthusiast | Encouraging Hearts

Hope Mangiafico’s mission is to help others recognize that whatever their current situation may be, there is always hope. Because of her own experience living with a Type I Diabetes diagnosis, Hope wants to help people recognize their worth beyond a label or life-stage that could currently be holding them back from living the life God created them to live. Hope is passionate about working with people through their health journey, and she works locally and online with clients on personal training, nutrition coaching, and business mentoring.