
250 || [Solo] Four Ways You Will Grow When You Build Your Dream in Community || Merritt Onsa

Have you resisted invited others into the hardest parts of your dream? We all want to be the one who’s there to help a friend in need, but who wants to be the needy one? Few of us easily admit weakness; it’s our fallen nature as humans. But it’s also the lie we see all around us: everyone else has their stuff together. Instagram highlights rarely touch the hard stuff, not in a real or meaningful way. So you end up feeling like you’re the only one who’s struggling.

183 || Why You Need to Give Yourself Permission to Fail || Hannah Brencher

Failure is where we grow and learn; it shapes our future decisions and is a reminder of the choices we want to make differently next time. Few people wish to experience failure but attempting to avoid it means missing out on essential opportunities for growth that only come from taking risks, getting it wrong, and picking yourself up to learn and try anew. This week, Hannah Brencher shares a message of hope-filled reminders to keep seeking light in the darkest places of our lives, even amid failure.

180 || [Solo] Planning Your Dream While Doing Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

If you have allowed your need to plan keep you from taking steps toward your dream, this episode offers a bit of perspective on how to get started right now, even if you don’t have it all figured out. Because God designed you with a purpose that is certain and known to him, you don’t need to have it all planned out before you begin. He already knows! So take the leap and try new things, even if it means opening yourself up to mistakes, and then, take time to reflect and innovate.

113 || You Were Created for a Reason || Merritt Onsa

There is purpose for your life; you are not here by accident. I believe this to be true, and today I’m talking about the two perspectives I’ve been wrestling with related to this topic and how we decipher our God-shaped dreams. The first is that He uses our gifts and talents for our good, for the good of others, and for His Kingdom. The second is that He uses us in spite of our weakness, failure, or even our blatant rejection of His calling upon our lives. So, which is it, strengths or weaknesses?

096 || When Fear Tries to Tell You You're Not Enough || Merritt Onsa

In this week’s episode we’re talking about fear of failure, which feels ironic because even as I’m speaking on this topic, I’m wrestling with this fear. Sure, I wanted to do this solo episode. In fact, the first 10 minutes or so felt inspired. I was on a roll. But then life happened, I had to hit pause, and a few days passed. When I sat down to wrap it up, anxiety crept in, and I wrestled over and over in my mind with what I wanted to say and whether I could provide any value to this topic.