
264 || [Solo] 3 Truths to Help You Make Decisions about Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

Do you keep trying to decide about an aspect of your dream, but you just can't seem to commit? Maybe the end goal feels too far out of reach so it’s difficult to define what you should do today, or there are so many directions you could go that all the possibilities are paralyzing. If decision-making stirs up fear and worry for you, this episode will help you identify your tendency to avoid decisions and give you three gifts to help you look at decision-making in a new way.

258 || [Solo] What Story Will You Be Telling about Your Dream a Year from Now? || Merritt Onsa

What do you want to be true about your dream in a year? When I ask other dreamers about what’s keeping them from acting on their dream, there are a few repeated themes. One of the biggest struggles Christian women share is not having clarity on their dream. Others feel uncertain about the next right step to take. It's no wonder we feel this way. Without a clear road map to your destination of accomplishing the dream you’ll never actually arrive anywhere.

186 || [Solo] 3 Strategies to Help You Shift from Busy to Purposeful || Merritt Onsa

Did 2020 reveal some hard truths about your life? Did slowing down (because you had to) reveal the true cost of busyness in your life? Or on your family? This solo episode is about the change you can affect when you shift from busy to purposeful in how you live and how you pursue your dreams. These three simple shifts in your thoughts and actions will simplify day-to-day life and make a real difference in how you feel about your responsibilities.

101 || Finding Your Dream Among Too Many Options || Jane Springer

In this episode, wellness and style coach Jane Springer reminds us that God often uses the difficulties He allows in our lives to serve as inspiration for our dreams. In Jane’s case, it was her own health struggles that inspired her to help other women with theirs. In hearing her story, you’ll discover the value of paying attention to your own instincts, trusting God’s timing and waiting on Him to show you what’s next instead of stepping out because you’ve grown impatient with the wait.