
208 || [Solo] Learning How to Trust God Even When You Doubt Your Purpose || Merritt Onsa

Have you ever looked at someone else living her dream and thought, “Wow! She’s so much further along than me” or questioned why dreaming a God-shaped dream is so difficult at times? This solo episode is about clearing away misconceptions you have about the path to a dream, how God uses our difficulties to remind us of our need for Him, and the three mistakes we want to avoid in understanding our part versus God’s part in pursuing our dream.

174 || [Solo] A Call for Christian Women to be Part of the Solution || Merritt Onsa

This message is for the passionate, ambitious Christian woman wondering what role she can play in helping to heal the brokenness of our world, highlighted so vividly by the 2020 U.S. presidential election. It’s my challenge to you to pay attention to what’s driving you, seek healing for yourself first, and then rise up and carry the light of Jesus into our hurting and broken world. This is a message that is true no matter who won the election and regardless of when you’re listening to this.

087 || Pursuing the Dream When You Feel Misunderstood || Blythe Scott

In this episode, Blythe Scott talks about Denver City Forum and its mission in the city of Denver to help mobilize and equip the Church to join Him in the “renewal of all things,” to further redemption, and to advocate for the vulnerable through politics and policy. She also shares what it feels like to be misunderstood in her dream, how she’s dealt with that disappointment and offers suggestions, in case it happens with you and your dream. You will also learn the value of not overthinking your dream (which can stand in the way of getting started) and gain a helpful tip about a morning ritual to help curb your thinking so you can be more fruitful and Christ-centered in your day.