
227 || [Solo] How to Know if This is the Dream God Has for You || Merritt Onsa

Do you tend to question your dream or wonder if you heard God right the first time? Nearly every day I encounter someone talking about the fear of missing out on the purpose God has planned for her life. Some describe it as a deep worry that everyone else has beaten her to the finish line, and she’s somehow gotten it wrong but doesn’t know how to find her way back into God’s ordained path that was chosen for her before the beginning of time. But you weren’t meant to live under that pressure!

212 || [Solo] How to Know If Imposter Syndrome Is the Reason You Are Stuck || Merritt Onsa

How is imposter syndrome killing your dream (and your confidence)? If you are confused about what imposter syndrome is, whether you have it, or more importantly, how to get over it, this episode is full of hope that you can overcome imposter syndrome with God’s help. You’ll learn how to recognize imposter syndrome, how it impacts you, and why it’s so important to not let another day pass living under this attack on your identity.

211 || What Is the Next Thing You Need to Hand Over to God? || Erica Wiggenhorn

Are you weary of constantly striving? Have you tried everything to move your dream forward but find that no matter how hard you work it’s never enough?

Erica Wiggenhorn has been where you are. She has walked through the fire and been tempted in her journey to run after self-reliance, people pleasing and self-doubt. It’s the reason she is so passionate about seeing revival in God’s women in order that we might cease striving, choose to surrender, and receive the abundant life Jesus promises.

208 || [Solo] Learning How to Trust God Even When You Doubt Your Purpose || Merritt Onsa

Have you ever looked at someone else living her dream and thought, “Wow! She’s so much further along than me” or questioned why dreaming a God-shaped dream is so difficult at times? This solo episode is about clearing away misconceptions you have about the path to a dream, how God uses our difficulties to remind us of our need for Him, and the three mistakes we want to avoid in understanding our part versus God’s part in pursuing our dream.