
228 || [Solo] 3 Questions to Help You Decide if Your Dream is Worth Pursuing || Merritt Onsa

Do you ever wonder if the time you’ve spent on your dream is going to be worth it? Maybe you haven’t seen the fruit you expected at this point, or your progress has been slower than you imagined, especially given what you’ve invested. Wouldn’t it be terrible to look back and realize it was all a waste of time? This episode will help you determine if your dream is a worthwhile pursuit and give you some intentional questions to ask yourself right now to make sure that you’re walking in His purpose.

152 || What Happens When You Let God Define Your Worth || Courtney Reimer

Courtney Reimer is on a mission to not only help girls and women know and understand their worth but also to know why they have worth. This interview is a reminder that where we place our hope matters. As Christians we’ve likely heard or been part of conversations about our identity in Christ but living that out feels so complex. How do we place our identity in Him? What does that look like? How do we know if we’re even getting it right?

110 || You Have Great Value and Worth || Merritt Onsa

In this solo episode, I’m talking about where we can find our value and worth because we are daughters of the King. You’ll hear more of my story about how I rested my value on something that was ultimately going to fail me. I share the best response I ever got from a Christian man who knew he couldn’t bear the weight of my identity on his back. And I talk a bit about what’s going on my world right now that has revealed to me that I am struggling, again, to remember that my security is in Christ.