
229 || [Solo] Two Practical Steps to Help You Let Go of What Other People Might Think || Merritt Onsa

Do you ever worry what someone else might think of your dream? Whether it’s your sister who doesn’t get you, a parent who’s never understood your passions, or a spouse who already feels deprived of time with you running after a dream can spark big feelings (and fears) about what others will think. This episode will help you re-think your preoccupation with other people’s opinions with encouraging guidance from Scripture to shape what you can do instead.

172 || [Pivot Session] When is it Worth the Risk to Try Something New? || Beth Bruno

A curator of the feminine story, Beth Bruno is passionate about empowering women to raise Fierce & Lovely daughters (also the name of the podcast she hosts with her daughters). The recent pandemic accelerated a shift in her dream much faster than expected, and she wrestled with imposter syndrome while adapting to the learning curve of her new normal. Beth’s story will inspire you take risks, keep learning, and grow with your circumstances instead of letting them halt your dreams.

098 || Because Fear Wants You to Stay Stuck || Jenni Eastin

In this episode, Jenni Eastin assures us that God is in control and that we can trust and surrender our dreams to Him. She shares two intimate, real-life stories that are constant reminders of these truths and motivation to share the hope she’s found with others. Along this journey, she’s discovered tools that help her fight back against the voices that urge her to quit. If you’ve ever tried to run away from your dream, may this interview provide perspective and even help you get started.