Perfectionism — Podcast — Merritt Onsa | Christian Life Coach for Women

Grab 17 quick wins to move your dream forward! Click here to start today.


286 || [Solo] Top 3 Traps Standing in the Way of Your God-Given Purpose || Merritt Onsa

Seeking clarity and confidence for your dream? Time, money, energy, and having little kids at home top the list of reasons women put their dreams on hold. But I’ve discovered 3 traps that are an even greater threat because we don’t recognize their power. In this solo episode you’ll learn about the transformative power of community in pursuing a God-shaped dream, how to recognize and overcome common obstacles to our dreams, who the Dreamer Lab is for, and how you can join us this fall!

251 || Finding Beauty in the Messy Middle of Pursuing a God-Shaped Dream || Christine Marie Bailey

How do you adapt when your dream isn’t quite what you planned? Fear and perfectionism are two of the biggest enemies when it comes to pursuing a God-shaped dream. Maybe you’d prefer to have it all figured out before you begin. Or you’ve stepped out in the past but then retreated when things didn't work like you thought they would. My guest Christine Bailey knows all about stepping into a dream that is not fully figured out and the courage that comes from taking simple steps of obedience.

094 || Solo show: Lessons Learned in Two Years of Podcasting || Merritt Onsa

In this episode, I share what God’s been teaching me in the last two years of podcasting. However, these lessons aren’t about starting a podcast. Whatever your dream, you can apply them to your journey. I’ve broken it down into simple takeaways so you can think about how you might start or proceed in following your dream. You’ll learn why you don’t have to be perfect to move forward, how to consider the costs of your dream before you get started, and why fear must not get the best of you in the process.

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