Calling — Podcast — Merritt Onsa | Christian Life Coach for Women

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221 || Is It Possible to Find Meaningful Work in Our Changing World? || Michaela O’Donnell

The world of work has changed in the last decade. Yet the question remains: Is it possible to align work with a sense of calling while also navigating equally demanding personal roles and responsibilities? Michaela O’Donnell is no stranger to questions like these. Through starting her own company and listening to others, she has come to believe that we are all called to be part of God’s big redemptive work in this world.

Momentum: Episode #23 - Hannah Anderson

Six years ago, Hannah Anderson slowly began to cultivate a career as a writer. It was not something she ever anticipated doing, but with young children at home she found herself wondering how to steward her gifting. She committed to God that she’d give two years to learning the trade and leave the results in His hands. Today she’s the author of two books: Made for More and the newly released Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your Soul (Moody).

You could win a set of Hannah's books, Made for More and Humble Roots, by entering the giveaway here, prior to 11:59 p.m. EST on November 22, 2016.