Christian Life Coach for Women | Use Your God-Given Gifts

Grab 17 quick wins to move your dream forward! Click here to start today.

Your dreams matter.

Your God-given gifts are meant to help you help others. And mine? I'm here to support you along the path where god is already moving. 

So many things in this world seek to steal our joy and attention: comparison, fear, anxiety, grief and loss, imposter syndrome, the things we want but don't have, and the ways we believe we don't measure up.

reminder: you were made for more


Hi! I’m Merritt

a life coach for Christian women who want to use their God-given gifts for the good of others and for God’s glory.

You have a dream to write, speak, teach, lead, build a business, or launch a ministry using your God-given gifts and talents.

The Lord has brought you through a trial, taught you from His Word, the Holy Spirit is pressing on you to use what you’ve been given—what you’ve endured—to serve others in a similar place.

You’ve had this dream longer than you want to admit. It lingers on the shelf of things left undone that are still knocking on the door of your heart.

it’s time to take action on your Gifts & Dreams!

You and I are connected because of the inner fire we have for our God-shaped dreams. But maybe you’re not sure where to start on yours.

Turns out it’s easier to second-guess yourself or your dream than it is to ride a bike. The inner critic is merciless:

Did God really give you this dream? Or did you hear Him wrong? Do you know enough to get started? Or do you need to learn more?


My friend, our God is not a god of confusion.

You’ve felt stuck for far too long. You don’t have to stay there. Moving forward starts with changing what you believe. Let’s begin with these three truths:

You already have all the permission you need to use the gifts God has given you.

You are capable of doing work you love and feel passionate about.

Even small actions can build momentum for a dream.

In fact, I suggest you start by downloading this free resource:

Get some

Need help getting started on a dream?
Drop your email below and I'll send you a list of 17 simple ideas to help you stop procrastinating and finally take action.

Because action is what will bring your dream to life!

    Your dream, your journey!
    Unsubscribe anytime.

    Then, hop over to my About page to learn the backstory that sparked my desire to help bring YOUR God-shaped dreams to life.


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